Ultimate Local SEO Marketing Domination Guide by Antonio Coleman

Ultimate Local Marketing Domination Guide by Antonio Coleman

Crushing the Local Competition

Welcome to the #1 local marketing guide that will walk you through the top ways of dominating your local market today. So the question is, who is this guide meant for such as who will benefit the most from it? The simple answer is any and everyone who wants to be found online for a business, website, or personal exposure.

If you want to build an online presence like no other in the world, then you’re in the right place because I’m about to change your life forever. If you’re a small business, and you’re not online, then I must say you’re in big, big, and I mean BiGGG trouble. The reason for this is because the worlds we live in function, and revolves around the World Wide Web. If people are searching for something, then they will pull out that mobile phone or laptop and start that search.

Now, if you’re smart like I know you are, then you did the work beforehand to gain that online presence. But if you didn’t, then the other companies in your city or town just stole a potential customer or client only by having an online presence. Just as simple as having a website can mean the difference in been found versus no one knowing you even have a business.

Do You Have an Online Presence?

Chances are you don’t even have a website, and if you do it as dead as the first post you have on it — Yea, that post that I see on most small business websites that were posted back in 2008. So just having a website is not enough, and honestly, it’s only the beginning of building your online presence. To be able to crush the competition, you will have to follow this guide from A to Z and implement everything I show you.

You see, I been doing online marketing for over 13 years now and pretty did everything you can think of when it comes to marketing online. I can personally take any business located on this planet, “which is all businesses,” and turn their profits, websites, store, and leads into what I call an automatic assembly line. Meaning you will just start to see clients flowing into your website, place of business faster than ever.

This is all the result of having an online presence that converts online searchers into people who want to do business with you. No matter where you’re located in the world, if you follow my proven strategies to the tee, then you will be sitting on the mountaintop laughing at the local competition.

Believe me, when I say no one in your city is doing this because sadly to say too many small businesses just totally overlook online marketing. They usually are doing newspaper adverting which is doing nothing but sucking up all their profits because they’re not using it in the right manner. What’s worse their not even tracking the results from that, so they don’t even know if it’s even working.

Unfortunately, this is not the way to grow a business, so the best thing I can tell you is to build an online presence. Doing this moves you light years ahead of the local competition, which puts you in the driver seat of success. Now you’re spending less money on advertising because you finally decided to change your marketing up to focus on more of the online strategies. Plus, did I mention all the things I will be talking about are free for you to do if you set it up yourself?

How extraordinary is that to implement something for your business that’s 100% easy do and 10x as effective as the old traditional way of marketing. This is awesome folks, and I hope that you take action on getting your online presence set today. But first, let’s dig a little deeper into what this whole guide will focus on.

Power of Local SEO Marketing

Here I just wanted to explain how powerful local marketing is and what it can mean to your business. Because I feel as though before you can step into getting anything done online in the form of building an online presence, then you must first understand the power of ranking highly in the search engine for your industry top keywords.T

There are a number of local SEO strategies out there for you to choose from when starting to build your online presence. But, before getting to those, you need to know the numbers and how you will reach that audience.

Below I will give you an example of some numbers I came across here in my own backyard, which is in my nearest city. So I did a little keyword research on the real estate industry here in Shreveport La and found some very interesting numbers. Now when it comes to doing keyword research, don’t panic because I will be walking you through this in the next chapter on how to analyze your local market to see what people are typing in to find your services or product.

So I found that over 1,300 people per month search for the keyword “Shreveport real estate” Now that’s a lot of people who are looking to buy or sell real estate in the Shreveport market. These are potential flood line of people who you can market to if I was a real estate company or real estate investor in the Shreveport market.

Attention Real Estate People in Shreveport

Now I don’t know about you, but if I’m looking to dominate my local market in real estate in this city, then I best be implementing what’s inside of this guide. My research shows me not one company in Shreveport La is doing the three top local marketing strategies you will learn about here in a moment.

If I cared anything about this market, I could easily be dominating the front page of the search engines by creating an online presence. This market is wide open for anyone to dominate if they are willing to step outside the box of the old fashion way of marketing.

Absolutely no one is doing profile marketing, video marketing, or even utilizing Facebook marketing the right way. When I say Facebook marketing, I’m not talking about just having a page; I’m talking about going the whole nine yards of allowing your Facebook page to rank highly in the search engines. Plus, you can take that Facebook page and turn it into a lead magnet, which I will explain more about later.

Below I’m about to go over the Three-Headed Monster when it comes to local marketing domination. If you do these three things, you will be able to gain more website traffic, leads, and profits faster than any other form of marketing.  So let me take you by the hand and show you how I will go about dominating any local market, no matter your industry.

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Let’s Get Started…

Three-Headed Monster of Local Marketing

One thing you will realize about me is that I keep everything I do in life so simple that a fifth-grader could do it. So when I talk about the three-headed monster, I’m mostly talking about online profile domination, local video domination, and local Facebook domination. By using all these together is like the “Power Rangers” from back in the day, then you steam to blow past the local competition in no time.  Let me explain each one so you can grasp them before diving into them one by one.

Online Profiles Domination

Online profiles are all around us every day, and I’m sure most of you never even notice them. So what are online profiles? These are sites that you can go to and set up a free profile of your business. From there, you will be able to include all of your business information from address, phone number, website, logos, and any other form of information you can list.

A list of small businesses directory sites is Google Local, Yellow Pages, Manta, Yelp, and Super Pages, just to name a few. Now there are tons of these sites out there, which I have a big list of them and will list them once you get to that part of the guide. So basically, you now that you can set up a profile on that website, so what’s the big deal?

The big deal is that these profiles rank highly in the search engine very easily if you know how to set them up. So this means instant local rankings so your customers can find you. Now when someone types in “Shreveport candy shops,” if you set up enough free profiles and created them in a search engine friendly way, then you’re in for a big surprise.

These sites rank highly, and by using the right keywords, your listing can come up, and people will be able to follow your listing. Now you have just placed yourself and business in front of the potential customer by creating an online presence…how powerful is that?

Stay tuned I will show you all the steps from A to Z from setting up the profiles to making them SEO friendly so the search engines will rank you accordingly.

Ultimate Local SEO Marketing Domination Guide by Antonio Coleman 1

Local Video Domination

Video marketing has become the biggest trend ever since YouTube stepped onto the scene back in 2005. People have actually been creating videos for years from the childhood videos of you playing sports to the Christmas plays you were in back when you were in grade school. People have been using video for over 50+ years now to film their everyday living.

Before the 2000s, people use to just keep this video footage on their devices until they want to view them again. But now the world has changed to the point where anyone can create a video and upload it to websites such as YouTube, Daily Motion, Metacafe, and many other places.

Just here recently, over the past four years, YouTube has really pushed the issue of placing their videos higher in the search engines. Now when someone does a video on a certain subject and optimizes it for the higher ranking, than these magic things start to happen. That magic thing is instant search rankings if you know how to use the right keywords.

So this leads me to local video marketing for those small businesses who want to create videos to rank higher in their city or town. Now due to the power of video and the overall popularity of the people are wanted to showcase their businesses to them for more online visibility. So if you’re an attorney in Shreveport La, and you’re not doing videos to build that online presence in the search engines so the people who are searching for your services can find you, then you’re missing out on thousands of dollars every year.

The other attorney offices in Shreveport La, who understand they can gain a lot more clients by using video marketing, are the ones who take action on it. Meaning they go out and produce different verity videos on their market that people are typing into the search, and optimizing them to rank locally in their city or town.

So I say video marketing is one of the top ways to dominate your local market, and this is something I stress to all my clients when it comes to me, building them an online presence. Just to give you an example of building an online presence around your business in a targeted market, then take a glance at these local searches below. First, you will see I’m optimizing for my company name and just targeted a couple of other keywords just to show you how easy it is to create a video and rank it in the search engines.

(Hint: search theses on Google”)

1. Coleman marketing group

2.shreveport marketing firms

3. minden small businesses

4. bossier marketing firms

5. Minden marketing firms

Ultimate Local SEO Marketing Domination Guide by Antonio Coleman 2

Local Facebook Domination

The final steam of the three-headed monster of dominating your local market is using Facebook. Now I get people all the time who say “Antonio” I have a Facebook page for my local business. Many people rant on about how they’re on Facebook, and everyone in the world knows about it. So when someone tells me that, the next thing out my mouth is that can I take a look at it? wink wink

Now there is one or two of the things that always happen when I say this. First is that I have to find it because I haven’t been on it for a while or is that let me call my friend or employee who set it up. Right then and now, I figure that these people really don’t know what’s going on with their Facebook page, and if they do, then they know nothing about utilizing it.

Listen up!!!! Just by having a Facebook page for your business means absolutely nothing if no one is engaging in the content. If no one comes there and shares your content or “like” your page, then you best not even have one. But good news to them. I’m here to help in the final leg of dominating your local market by using Facebook pages to skyrocket past the local competition.

– The secret of Facebook Pages

First, most people don’t know that you can create pages on your Facebook page. You can run a contest to give away coupons and discounts just for people who are liking your page. What about if you’re located in “Shreveport La,” and you want to target everyone who has a Facebook profile in that city. Maybe you have a fitness gym, and you want everyone in the city to be able to come to your Facebook page to get their first-month free membership coupon. You can do this by using their “sponsorship program” where you pay to show up on everyone’s page.

Not only that, many businesses don’t even know about the “Facebook Check-In” where you can have your customers check-in when at your place of business. This is so powerful that anyone who is using this will be light years ahead of the local competition. In this guide, I will show you how to use this effectively to grow your business throughout your city without paying a dime in advertising.

Click to Enlarge

Ultimate Local SEO Marketing Domination Guide by Antonio Coleman 3

Your Business vs. Competitors

This guide I put together will be the most talked-about local marketing guide online when it’s said and done. I’m given away tons of free local marketing strategies that most companies will not tell you about. Here today, you hold the key to dominating any local market no matter where you’re located in the world. There are just a few of the local marketing strategies I have that are listed in my 31 tips on how to market your business.

What I want to stress is that this is the introduction post to dominating your local market. I want you to understand that as a small business, you must take action if you want to build your business up in your community. No need is saying I don’t have the time and money to get this action implemented into your business today.

I hate to hear a small business say they don’t have the resources to grow their business because of this or that. My thing is that you should have money set aside all the time to go back into your business if you want to be around in the long run. If you don’t have a small budget for certain actions, then start thinking about getting a savings plan put together today.

The truth is if you don’t start building that online presence today, and the local competition starts to hear about this sort of marketing, then you’re in trouble. Understand people are searching online for what they want these days, and if you’re not showing up, then you risk the company down the road stealing all the local customers.

Let’s Dominate This Local Market…

Super Great: Head Over to Chapter One and Learn How to Search for Local Keywords and Dominate the Market

chapter one on how to search for local keywords


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9 thoughts on “Ultimate Local SEO Marketing Domination Guide by Antonio Coleman

    • Reggie

      My only goal is to help give people as yourself the simple strategies that work. Even I’ve been told I need to charge for the content many times before. I feel as though given it away for free is more rewarding. The only thing I ask you to do is implement each step and watch how your real estate business starts to dominate the search engines. Keep me posted

      Antonio Coleman “Signing Off”

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